Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Four Corners...My Sanctuary...

It’s where I fade…it’s where I drift…it’s where I’m most fragile…it’s where I’m most broken…
It’s where my comfort lies… it’s where I live…it’s where I mostly die…

That old rose color…that faded peach…that dead silver…that’s where I weep…
The ground so still…the seat so stiff…all this rigid frame that surrounds me…all this unrelenting noise that incapacitate me…

These four corners they cradle me… ever so gently they commiserate…undaunted as they savage my sorrows…all these judgment they invalidate…
Respecting my solitude…protecting me from my poignant regrets…
Ten minutes of silence…that’s how long I have wept…

Despite the undertow, I stood with courage and my head held high…
I then declared... once again I'm alive…
But soon after those tear drops dried…
I put on my mask of lie…

So nonchalant on the outside…so shattered inside…
This is where I lie…this is where I hide…
The FOUR corners of my sanctity…FOUR corners of eternal misery…



ezou said...

yeah that feeling, eats you, when you have to go on, with life, as if you are happy and nothing has happened...
Smiling to everyone, needing just one true friend, actually needing ANY friend that can see past that mask...
tells you that it's gonna be okay and actually believes it....
I sometimes feel like a filthy cradle, all white and pretty from the outside, and rotten from the inside..

lois said...

but if and when yOu find that "true friend" whO can identify a sOrrOw behind that mask hOld On tO it...its a rare find...untill then yOu will cOntinue feel sO alOne in a crOwded place...

ezou said...

I'm doubting that I have a twin sister....... :D
Stop saying what I think...... :P
actually no keep saying :D

lois said...

ezOu..i am that instrument that was sent tO yOu sO yOu are able tO unlOad ur burden if nOt just relate...and i'm tOtally hOnOred that i'm being part Of that rOad...(lOl! did i just invite myself tO be a part of ur jOurney?..)

ezou said...

you don't need an invitation......
the feeling that you are my "compagnion" ... forced it self without an invitation from me .... and from no will from you ....just u being nice.... :D
WOW that was deep...... :P
OMG I'm sounding like if i'm a sophisticated geek.......

lois said...

ezOu "OMG I'm sounding like if i'm a sophisticated geek......."

LOL!!!! that rhymes - yOu are a tOtal geek!...lOl! i still wuv yOu dOn't wOrry!..

ezou said...

you love a geek....
that will spoil your reputation.....
don't love him.....
who are we talking about again.....?
ooopsss its me..... :S :P

lois said...

that is very "American Pie"!

Anonymous said...

Great work.